Friday, December 21, 2007

Long weekend

Its gonna be a long weekend this week. Ideally, we should be overseas stuffing our face and swiping our cards away adding to our hefty waistlines and lightening our wallets. Unfortunately or fortunately Ms-He man is banned from flying thus leaving us no choice but to stay in Brunei for the new years. Gave all the ladies at the office a break (well at least 3/4 of them) from working today in preparation for a crazy year end closing period next week. As correctly pointed out by Martin Lawrence in his Blue Streak movie..sacrifice the small cheese for the big cheese..on top of that i managed to convinced them to come on Monday while i will be golfing away at Miri Eastwood ass i am!

My brother is back for two weeks from his Army Training in UK. The stories he told us about the training in Sandhurst is quite interesting and at the same time quite terrifying. The trainers in UK apparently are a totally different breed of humans as most of them have gone through real war situations such as the ones in Afghanistan and recently Iraq. Well..told him at least he managed to come back in one piece and he has gotten a bit fairer,,so it cant be that bad..i think!

This weekend we will be off to Empire and now my brother is here will treat my long overdue dinner celebration to my family. I am hoping to play a lot of golf but first thing first need to invest on a new shoes as my old ones started to talk flapping their tongues away after the meltdown at RBGCC last week.

Cheers all the non-muslims out there...Happy advanced Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho!

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