Sunday, November 18, 2007

Beowolf Experience

When i first heard of this movie, i really thought that it will be one of those man-wolf thing that changes whenever there is a sunset or fullmoon : ). Guess what was nothing close to that. As expected, it is again another masterpiece from the great Neil Gaiman. The storyline basically is about a warrior, Beowolf, who became a king and and later on cursed for his past sin. The storyline is fantastic and the 3D effect is incredible. I honestly thought that this is probably the best digital 3D effect movie since the Sin City and errr Shrek 3? : ). I need to remind myself time to time that this is not a real..

The english that they used in some of the scenes were "too deep" to understand. I honestly thought that they were talking in some foriegn languages and thank god for the subtitles as i could have been easily lost in translation. Found out from Ms-Heman that, that was the original setting in which the book was writen years ago. Oh well..and yeah one thing that i do also need to mention is that this movie is gory and violent...head slashing, brain exploding, heart ripping kinda thing.

My last comment would be ...a must see especially for the Angelina Jolie fans : ) and the most bloodiest animation action pack ever! Cheers!

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