Monday, February 18, 2008


No matter how many baby books you read and thousands of parenting tips you get from friends and families, nothing can prepare you to take care of your own baby. Similar to golf, babies are just unpredictable. Some nights they let you sleep and some they keep you up all night long. Guess all babies are born unique with their own characteristics and behavior patterns that it is almost impossible to predict their wants and needs.

In the beginning I read a lot about how babies need to sleep at least 16 to 18 hours a day, Thus I created a spreadsheet keeping his scores and points on how many hours he sleep in a day. In just few days we found out he consistently scored under par during the observation period. Par in this case is 16 hours and under par is anything below 16 hours and thus is no good. It drove us crazy but soon we learnt that babies are all different and the books are just an indication or an ideal situation on tips on how to take care of a baby. So we ditched them all and decide to go with his flow. At times like this, super powers like Heroes Matt Parkman would be useful as sometime we just don’t know what going on in He-Boy cute little head.

It’s been 2 weeks now, 7 more weeks before Mrs. He-Man goes back to work and a few more days before I start mine. It is fun to be a full time dad. I started from knowing nothing about daddy ship to an expert. I can now shift him from one arm to another like a juggler, change his nappies in a split second and burp him with my eyes closed. I think I am also developing this bionic hearing thing as I jumped up in the middle of a night with the slightest noise he made when he is sleeping. Well I guess there is more to come and will see how it goes. At this rate, I might as well write a parenting book tip myself fun fun!

Little poser

Little fingers

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