Saturday, February 2, 2008

Grand Finale

This is probably my last post on this topic and probably the last picture of Ms-He Man in her super pregnant suit. She has been on standby leave since last week and since then friends, colleagues, bosses, tea ladies and security guards keep on asking me ."Is it out yet".."Is it out yet"? She is bored at home..told her to enjoy it while she can as this is only once every three years opportunities of a lifetime hehe.

It has been a great just felt like yesterday when she broke the news and now she will pop just anytime soon. I really dont know what to expect...dont know what to say..i think i am prepared but as the dudes told me..nothing can prepare me for the real i guess i will have to go with the flow and hope things will all go well..insyallah!.

Till then...cheers!

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