Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Attended a company sponsored course on Creativity and Innovation sometime last week. It was interesting as we got to do a lot of "out of the box" kinda activities which really tested our brain capacity. Its quite depressing to note that how our brain lost its creativity as we aged. As a child creativity dominates the way we think and it will reduce to 40% by the age of 30 and will only be less than 2% at the age of 50. Thus its quite important to keep that think brain of ours working by doing some simple brain exercise like drawing, using variety of colours in your writing and some silly things like going to the toilet with eyes close in your own home, writing with your non dominance hand or even be more adventurous when it comes to food testing.

As for me i was just laughing my brain off the whole time during the course as people just cant stop coming up with silly creative ideas. Amongst one of them is this girl with this Canadian accent whom the team was asked to come up with an analogy or metaphor on rubber band. She cracked us up really hard when she innocently mention "Seperti Bu"R"ung and Rubber Band. She meant it well as she was just trying to say that kids always kill a bird using a slingshot which is made of rubber band. Obviously that's not how some creative minds in the room interpret that gesture.

The other one that i cant forget must also be this veteran lady who is quite conservative in nature. She is no fun and was not surprise why the boss sent her to this course. Anyway she also cracked me up with her consistent soft whispering from the back of the room" Ketulahan" every time people coming up with new ideas. Cakes with the shape of a shoe...ketulahan, Traditional dance with some twist of modern move..ketulahan...emblem function in jungle pun ketulahan! Thinking abt it Creativity is act of ketulahan as you need to be a bit wacky to come up with some really creative


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